Our Indian Runner Ducks
We have a flock of 26 Runners with 20 females and 6 males.
The male colours include true black, white and trout. The females are in the standard colours- black, mallard, fawn, white, chocolate, trout and lavender.
We offer fertile eggs from late February till about the middle of August. Delivery is normally by mail order on a daily basis or collection by arrangement.
We do not segregate our ducks into breeding pens as they are happier being together in a large flock. So we cannot offer a choice of specific colours.
We like to wait a week or so after they start to lay before selling our eggs, just to ensure fertility is high and the eggs are of consistent size and shape. In 2011 our fertility was above 95%.
All our stock is unrelated. We have purchased our ducks over the years from shows, specialist auctions and registered breeders, knowing that they are of good quality and where welfare standards are high.
Poplar Farm Cottage
South Willingham